18 September 2008

Story #6: Desk Selling

My roommate K is moving out on Saturday. The flurry of Goodwill donations and furniture sales prompted me to get rid of some of my own things. I figured, I have time and the motivation right now to list things on Craigslist, and when I actually move in June, I will be finishing up dissertation revisions and preparing many other things for the move - so I may as well sell this stuff now. I had a large desk that I know will not move easily and likely not fit in a tiny 1-bedroom apartment that I will probably move into. It is also made of MDF and is about on its last disassemble, reassemble. So I sold it for $10.

I received a number of emails about it, and one guy came over Tuesday evening to pick it up. He paid cash, and we hauled the disassembled desk to his truck.

Two days later, I received an email from the buyer. When I saw his name in my inbox, I was worried that he couldn't reassemble it or something. Nope. His email said this, "You have weird toes!" That's it. The whole email.

I was, in fact, barefoot when he came over to get the desk, and I do, in fact, have weird toes, or really just one weird toe - but I'm still a little disturbed. K expressed concern for my safety, noting CSI plotlines where some creep with a foot fetish murders some girl in order to cut off her feet.

If I don't reply to emails or phone calls, please send someone to my house and check for feet...


KennyD said...

seriously that might be one of the creepiest stories I have ever heard!

Kristen said...

Here's hoping you still have your feet!