10 September 2008

Story #1: A Walk in the Park

Today I took my dog to the park. Along the way, I noted the following:
  1. I have lived in Eugene, Ore. long enough to not think twice about seeing a tall bike (see image below of a tall bike) riding around. However, this particular tall bike, I realized, was not a tall bike. It was actually just a tall man's bike. I think he had to have an extended seat in order to ride that bike, he was so tall. In other towns, someone's first reaction to this sight may have been, "wow, he is tall." My reaction? "oh, just another tall bike..." (Note: I do not have a picture of the tall man's bike, so I cannot provide a good comparison image...)
  2. On the way home, my dog and I passed a group of high schoolers probably up to no good, hanging out by the skate pit in the park. No one was skate-boarding or biking in the pit. They were just sitting around smoking. As I pass, I hear one kid say to another, "Damn, she's hot." A few seconds later, the one-liner is yelled. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I can't decide how I feel about this. Are they kidding? Clearly they are kidding to be using that line. But I am 27-years-old, so I find myself in this odd place of thinking, "huh, I guess I'm still hot by high school standards" or "jeez, I'm too old for this..."

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