29 September 2008

Music Post #5

New music this week (bold means that I like it so far; if it says nothing next to it, I probably haven't really listened enough to form an opinion yet):
  • Black Moth Super Rainbow/The Octopus Project - The House of Apples and Eyeballs: This is 2 years old, but I just found it.  It's ok, although I think I like each of these bands separately better than together.
  • Delta Spirit - Ode to Sunshine: I saw them live last week, opening for Dr. Dog.  I liked them a lot, perhaps even more than Dr. Dog.  The album lives up to the live performance so far.
  • Dressy Bessy - Holler and Stomp: This is one that came recommended to me, and I can definitely see people enjoying it.  It's an odd mix of heavier guitars and annoying girl pop.  I'm not that impressed.
  • Passion Pit - Chunk of Change: Pop/electronic - tons of energy.  I recommend it.
  • Prkr - The Felt City: "synthpop" which is totally hit-or-miss for me.  I kind of like the song G.P.S. Kids, but the others are little to heavy on the synth.  Kind of electronic/pop rather than pop/electronic, if that makes sense.
  • Joshua Radin - Simple Times: Joshua Radin is one of my guilty pleasures.  I'm not "supposed" to like it, but I don't care.  I do.  It's sweet and pretty and, sure, a little cheesy, but I still love it.
  • South Side Stalkers - The Sound of Speed: isn't that album title awfully close to a certain Coldplay single from a few years ago?  I got it because it was compared to Belle & Sebastian and Mates of State.  And lately I've been loving Swedish pop.  So far, though, it's more cheesy and annoying than anything else.  I should have known when there was a song called "Ukelele Love Song" on the album...


Unknown said...

Are you kidding me? That album is possibly the most lyrically clever album I've ever heard. And since the album was recorded BEFORE Speed of Sound came out (and then delayed- supposedly- by label finances for nearly a year before its Swedish release in 2006), I have a hunch there's not a whole lot of connection there. And did you even listen to Ukulele Love Song? What else would you call it?

cb said...

I wouldn't call that song anything else - which is my point. It's cheesy and annoying and sort of grating. I'm sure there are people who like it - I was recorded on a record label, so someone had to like it. I just found it incredibly annoying.