14 April 2009

I'm such a sucker...

I got a brochure in the mail today for the Bark in the Park 5K run benefiting the local Humane Society. I am not a runner. But my dog is. And I'm not NOT a runner. I play ultimate frisbee. I'm in shape. I dance. I occasionally do gym-related things. I hike. I walk a lot. I ride my bike. And 5K is really not that far.

And so after thinking it over for maybe 2 whole minutes. I logged online and signed us up. Ava and I will be running the 5K on May 17th. If you want to make a pledge to support us, you can: http://greenhill.dojiggy.com/cbohon

Here is one thing I noticed while registering, though. Why do these sorts of things never have shirts that fit women? There is the adult sizing - and you can get S, M, L, or XL. You could also get child sizes: S, M, or L. "Adults sizes" however always mean "Men's sizes" not really adult. So a size small in mens ends up awkwardly large for me. I end up sleeping in them or just giving them to Goodwill. So this time, I tried a child's size large. I would feel a bit safer if they had offered an XL, but of course, if they offered child XL, why wouldn't they just offer an adult XS? Either one would be superior to the current offerings. But no. According to all big organized events, people are just sized as adults (read: men). So much for equal opportunity between the sexes. I can't get a shirt that fits me properly...

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