29 December 2008

Random Thoughts

I just went for a walk with my dog around my mom's suburban neighborhood and saw a potato at the curb of one of her neighbor's houses. Just one potato. All by itself. No trash around. No other food. It did not appear to have been cooked - just one raw potato hanging out by the curb. And that's all the excitement that happened on our walk.

In other news, I have been organizing and packing for a month long trip around the country where I will be (a) interviewing for internships, (b) visiting friends I have not seen in far too long, and (c) going to experience the inauguration festivities in D.C. I have no idea how to pack for this trip - especially when trying to fit everything into a suitcase that can easily travel on subways and trains. I have to have casual clothes, interview clothes, party clothes (for New Year's Eve parties in Chicago), shoes to go with all of those clothes, and the usual traveling necessities like books and an iPod. And my computer since I am both addicted to the internet and attempting to get some dissertation work done while traveling. Grr. Maybe I need some Space Bags.

And I just realized the other day how much I'm going to miss my dog. I know this is pathetic, but the longest I have left her is 6 days, so 4 weeks of not seeing her is rough. I know, I know. She's a dog. But still...

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