18 October 2010

How to do your dog's laundry

What? Dogs have laundry? I thought that was just kids and babies... Nope. Dogs definitely have laundry; especially dogs who have blankies that they carry around, chew on, and sleep with. So here is how laundry goes.

Step 1: Make laundry pile on the floor. Include rug from under food bowls, both dog bed covers, blankie, and a couple other rugs to fill the wash load.
Step 2: Watch dog attempt to pull blankie out of the pile.
Step 3: Tell dog "no" then pointlessly explain that she can have it back once it's clean.
Step 4: Gather other laundry loads to take down to the laundry room (I mean, there are 3 washers; I'm certainly going to be using them for my laundry, too...).
Step 5: Bring laundry to laundry room - wash as you would any laundry.
Step 6: Come back to your apartment only to see your dog curled up on her blankie.

Ugh! Sneaky little bitch (I can call her that. She's a female dog). And people wonder why it's always gross!

1 comment:

nicole said...

OMG (is that how i start almost every comment on your blog?? its so valley girl of me...) anyway - this happens to me ALL of the time. Olive not only lays her dirty dog park coated body on my blaket, but also 'nurses' at it so it is wet with dog saliva. she likes them best when they are clean right out of the laundry too so its basically pointless to clean any of it!