17 June 2009

Southern Reminders

I lived in the south for 4 years during college. I knew that I had no desire to live there again, but sometimes I missed various aspects of it and thought, "oh, maybe..." But I was reminded as soon as I got off the plane last weekend in Savannah, Georgia of one of the biggest reasons for not living in the south. I was suddenly swimming through the air in 95 degree heat with 80+% humidity. I do not miss humidity.

One-by-one each of my college friends who had moved north since graduating, but who were returning together for this one-week vacation in Hilton Head lamented the same thing. "Oh gross...I forgot about humidity." And then the next day when walking outside of the pleasant air conditioning: "Gross...again...I'm already dripping wet in the '85, but feels like 97' degree weather." How do people live like this? Seriously...

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