29 June 2009

Of Montreal

Have I mentioned that I love Of Montreal? I am currently listening to Hissing Fauna... It seriously makes me want to go to another concert. And, of course, they are playing this month in LA. But at the freaking Hollywood Bowl where I would need to spend a fortune to even be able to see them. Since I've already seen them twice in the last 12 months, this seems a bit unnecessary.

But seriously. "There's the girl that left me bitter. Want to pay some other girl to just walk up and hit her. But I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't!" Ok, maybe that lyric needs the music with it...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

One of my favorite OM lyrics ever- no music necessary. On a related note, A and I were walking around Providence the other day and these two hipsters (I think they fell from a cloud) rode by on their bikes and one of them had a boombox in the crate on the back of his bike. It was playing some OM. We both smiled and thought of you.