03 March 2011


What happened to doctors offices making reminder calls the day before your appointment? I was in the shower today and thought "Oh shit, I missed a dental appointment yesterday." Then as I'm rinsing shampoo out of my hair, I realize, that I have not YET missed it. But I was about to. It was not yesterday, it was this morning. At 8:45am. I was in the shower at about 8:20am. It takes 20 minutes at least to get to campus, and that's in no traffic. And I had wet hair, dirty teeth, and unfed dog, etc. Shit.

So I bust a move out of the shower, throw on clothes, brush my teeth and dry my hair at the same time (serious feat, let me tell you), fed the dog, took her to the bathroom, then ran out the door. I decided I would drive instead of take the bus since I didn't have time to risk waiting at the bus stop if it didn't arrive immediately. I would suck it up and pay the $10 day-fee to park on campus. I called on the way to tell them I'd be late. They were extremely accommodating, and simply rebooked me for a little later. Awesome.

I get to my appointment. Everything's fine. Then I realize that I CANNOT FORGET that I drove my car to work today. I would not be that surprised if I ended up on the bus to go home only to remember that my car is still parked on campus...

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