02 February 2011

5 days in New York

This mother and son were on my flights to and from JFK. This means that we all spent the exact same amount of time in the city. They sat first class and had priority luggage check (meaning that their 5 suitcases (3 Louis Vuittons and 2 TUMIs) came out first). Five days. Two people. Five suitcases. Plus their carry-ons. Checked bags are $25 each on United, plus more for priority. I will never understand the way some people spend money...

I had 1 suitcase and a carry-on that essentially had a laptop and a pair of shoes in it... My suitcase is a sensible one whose brand I do not even recall because it is not emblazoned all over the thing. This is all fine by me.

Side note - I will say that TUMI suitcases seem like a better use of of money than the Louis Vuittons simply because my cheaper suitcases often fall apart sooner than I would like after being tossed around by airlines. Altough the Louis Vuittons seem as though they would also suffer damage, the hardcase TUMIs seem pretty indestructible. At least based on looks.

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