13 March 2009

In a relationship - with Penske?

"You're receiving this email because of your relationship with Penske."

This was the first line of an email soliciting boxes to pack for my upcoming move. I rented a truck from Penske, and I suppose this suggests that Penske and I are in a relationship of sorts. Sure, the definition of "relationship" is quite broad, and so the email is, in fact, speaking the truth. However, it just sounds awkward. Perhaps in the days of Facebook, with daily reports of friends' and acquaintances' relationship changes, it is an automatic association to initially think "romantic relationship" when I hear about anyone being in a "relationship with..."

What is even more "Facebook-ish" about the email was that it asked me to confirm my interest in these emails, similar to Facebook's emails asking you to confirm a relationship status or friend request.

I didn't realize that reserving a truck to move to LA held so much meaning...


Kate said...

It's the law actually. Under the CAN-SPAM Act, there are no restrictions on marketing emails from a company with whom you have a "relationship" (the law's word, not mine). And an unsolicited marketing email must contain a way to "opt out" of future mailings (among other requirements). Sorry to dash your hopes of a long-term commitment from Penske...

cb said...

Oh, I totally get that whole part - but the emails I get from other companies with whom I am apparently "in a relationship" don't word it so creepily... Or maybe it's just in their fine print and not in the "Hey! We're offering 20% off for our loyal customers!" text of the email.