12 March 2009

I'm bad at this

So last summer when I started this blog, it was because I had all of these random things to get out of my system and no one to tell them to. I'm not sure what changed - whether my friends are just being inundated with my random stories or whether I just don't have as many anymore. My life is taking a more "concrete" turn lately, with internship interviews last January, planning for my move in June, and finishing that one last major requirement for grad school called a dissertation. So perhaps that has squashed my randomness? Who knows. I would write more about music, but that seems like it is coming at me at such a fast past lately, that I barely have time to collect my thoughts on particular albums, much less write anything more than "like it" or "hate it." And I'm sure I'd get some random internet commenter hating me for not giving it a shot or not exploring it more in depth.

I also realize that the less often I write, the less people will actually come back and read this site. Regardless, I guess this intermittent writing may continue. Perhaps after I move to LA and have fewer friends to share my random tidbits with, I will have more need to write them here. Who knows.

And to end this post...my dog just farted. It is pretty gross.

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