05 February 2009

Dark was the Night

Good cause
Good price ($13.99 on Amazon for a double-disc CD - 31 awesome songs for $13.99!)
Great music (31+ great great artists)

Red Hot Organization has been in my awareness since the Red Hot + Blue album came out in 1990.  That album was fabulous and the liner notes were extensive and a great read (one booklet about Cole Porter's life and one about AIDS).  Plus lyrics and all that great stuff.  I actually think I cited it for a report on AIDS when I was in high school.

Well, the most recent release, Dark was the Night, comes out on February 17th.  I've had the opportunity to hear an advance copy, and it is amazing.  So fabulous.  The advance copy was provided free of charge, but I want to know if this will come with great info in the liner notes, so I will likely pick up a copy of the CD as well.  Plus, it benefits the Red Hot Organization, providing awareness about HIV and AIDS.  

I feel like AIDS had its media peak in the 80s and 90s and then was sort of abandoned.  It's still out there, folks.  People still contract it on a daily basis.  Some of them are people you may know and love.  There is still a huge stigma associated with it, too, which makes it harder for people to be open and honest about their status.  This needs to change.

1 comment:

Matt said...

It's $11.99 at CD world in Eugene, OR.