05 October 2008

Story #11: A Weekend of Thoughts

This is my fourth year of graduate school.  The annual "welcome back" party held by the department occurred last Friday.  In prior years, the bar began to close around 8pm, then people hung around for about a 1/2 hour longer before heading out to another nearby bar to continue the night.  My first year there was a "stolen" bottle of wine that got us in trouble (does it really matter if it is consumed at the party or afterward?  Doesn't the department pay for it regardless, so why should the catering company care...), and since then I feel like they've been trying to curb the drinking a bit.  This year "last call" started right at 7pm, and they were packed up by 7:15.  Sure, this should cut down on alcohol costs at the party, right?  To stop serving an hour earlier?  Except that we're poor graduate students who take every opportunity for free drinks.  So instead of sticking with the full glass of wine in your hand when last call is called, people were downing their glasses and heading back for more.

Last night, I attended a "hoedown" at some stables in a town south of Eugene.  I took zero pictures, although I had brought a camera to capture the events of the night.  It is nearly impossible to take pictures and square dance at the same time.  I would definitely have messed up the right left pull by if I had a camera out.  I need to do more square dancing, I think.  I was laughing the entire time - and sweating despite the fact that we were outdoors in 45-50 degree weather.  There were also sack races, human wheelbarrow races, and a 5-legged race.  Our team for the latter race was totally together and organized, but couldn't beat out those who basically ran and dragged the slower members across the finish line.  On the bus back to Eugene, this had to be stated on behalf of the bus driver: "The bus  driver requests that you put out your marijuana cigarette...  She says it is 'extremely illegal.'"  I'm not sure I would have used the "extremely" adverb.  It seems like one of the "less illegal" drugs to me.

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