03 August 2010

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

I am in love with this album - in a completely new and different way than the way I love Arcade Fire's older albums. Honestly, I think this is the way a band should be. I should love each album for new and unique reasons, otherwise a band is just repeating itself over and over. I love when a band can retain their own sound, yet recreate it for each album. The latest from the Arcade Fire doesn't have the epic, larger-than-life tracks like "Wake Up" and "Rebellion (Lies)" or the overdramatic tracks like "Intervention" and "My Body is a Cage" but it doesn't need them.

Perhaps I am simply buying into their package, but it really fits as a whole piece titled The Suburbs. Listening to Funeral or Neon Bible sort of feels like when you're talking to your best friend about HOW THAT GUY WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE or THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED TO ME, but The Suburbs feels like your everyday best friend. It's the general conversation that makes life comfortable. There are some climaxes, but overall, it just...is.

In sports, if you play the sport perfectly, truly to perfection, there shouldn't be any "highlights" because there wouldn't be any "so close" moments. It would all be clean and smooth and appear like every moment was orchestrated just so. To me, that's how The Suburbs is. Played just right, so nothing stands out as a highlight. Instead, the whole thing is orchestrated just so, so that while you're listening, you feel as if life is supposed to be...just like this.

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