18 February 2010


At the Amsterdam airport, if you are late to board your flight, they announce to everyone in the airport that you "are delaying the flight." Way to look like a jerk, late asshole...

Also at the Amsterdam airport, if your watch sets off the metal detector, they do not just have you go back and put your watch through the x-ray and try again. They jump right to the frisking. And I mean FRISKING. I totally got felt up today. Full on boob grab. They're not shy about it either. I think she kinda likes her job.

I'm currently at the London Heathrow airport watching the weather channel on the news monitor, where a sign language translator is conveniently located on the side of the screen to sign what the weatherman is saying. Couldn't they just have closed captioning, which would also allow hearing people to know the weather...you know, since there is no sound on the monitor in the airport?