26 November 2008

Crock Pots and Dead Things

I went to Target today for a few things in preparation for Thanksgiving and just daily life.  I would like to shop locally for the basic things, but Target just makes life way easier. So anyway, I was purchasing a Crock Pot because my roommate moved out and took her belongings with her, bitch...  I was deciding between an incredibly cute red 4-quart oval shaped one and a more traditional stainless steel 5-quart round one, and for the 2nd time in 3 weeks, I had to call a family member from the same aisle in Target.  The first one was during the purchase of a blender when I had to call my mother.  This time I called my sister, probably because my mom was at work, and also because it's been a few days since I talked to my sister.  Her comment was basically that bigger is always better, and while you can always put less in a bigger pot, you cannot put more in a smaller pot. I guess she has a good point, I just really wanted the red one.  So logic won over style, and I am the new owner of a 5-quart stainless Crock Pot.  My creamy corn will be quite happy for Thanksgiving.

On the way home, I hit a squirrel.  I had no choice.  There was a truck one side of me and a parked car on the other.  The squirrel was going left, then right, then left again, not sure how to avoid this dangerous situation he was now in, so even if I had been able to swerve to avoid him, I'm not sure I would have chosen the correct direction since he couldn't make up his mind.  The sound of an animal under your car, hitting the tire, is horrible.  Perhaps we could initiate some squirrel education program where we teach them to look both ways before crossing the street?  It would save lives and people's conscience.


nicole said...

i heart crockpots and although i don't wish them dead hate bushy tailed rats (aka squirrels). happy thanksgiving!

Kristen said...

Maybe it's not your fault- I read an article the other day that said there are virtually no acorns this year. Anywhere. The squirrels are starving, literally, and ambushing trash, pumpkins, birdseed, etc. There have been a higher than usual (who keeps track of this?) number of squirrels being hit on the roads this year, because they're frantically searching for food. So take those karma points back!