29 November 2009

I hope I don't get herpes...

I drank from a stranger's beer last night at a bar... I asked him what he ordered because it kind of looked like fruit juice. He answered, "Hoegaarden, try it" and handed me his glass. I looked at him and said, "I don't even know you!" To which, he replied, "just try it. You'll like it." So I did. Then I returned to the conversation I was having with my friend.

So if I end up with mono or some other disease communicable through spit, you know where it came from.


nicole said...


if it makes you feel any better i held a urine specimen cup without gloves today. i mean i was like 99.9% sure i didn't spill any on the outside.

cb said...

Ew - you might not have spilled, but what about the person providing the urine? How good was their aim?!

Kristen said...

I'm pretty sure the alcohol would kill anything... save SARS and swine flu, of course.