29 August 2009

Oh I do have one thing...

One quick story:

I went to the W Hotel in Westwood last weekend with a friend. We were hoping to go dancing, but were also trying to meet up with friends - which eventually led us to the W. They have a live DJ, so we figured this was a good compromise. Dancing plus friends. So we get a drink, hang out for a bit before dancing. But I note that no one is dancing near the DJ. The space is empty. So we sit down and watch a few drunk people near the bar start to get their groove on, only to be interrupted by 2 bouncers. Confused, my friend asked the bouncer why they stopped the dancing. My best bet was that they didn't want dancing near the bar for fear of drink spill/glass breaking. But no. There is actually no dancing allowed at the W. Apparently, you have to have a permit to allow dancing, and the W does not have such a permit. They have been busted in the past, so now the bouncers are regularly enforcing it. Yet they have a live DJ playing dancy music... It was so confusing. Felt like we were in Footloose or something in 2009.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

This is very weird. In a city where they show movies in cemeteries, they do not allow dancing without permits. Does this mean that you have to get a permit ahead of time if you want to have a public gathering where dancing might just break out randomly? Did you have a permit to dance in that cemetery, Cara? I thought not.